Driving the Digital Future:
Axity y Cisco
With over 300 certified team members in Cisco solutions, our expertise far exceeds the requirements to be a Gold Partner, establishing us as a leading reference in the Cisco ecosystem in the Latin American region.

Bridges to the Digital Future
Axity y Cisco
More than 200 collaborators certified in Cisco solutions, exceeding by far the requirements to be in the category of Gold Partners.


As a Gold Integrator and Gold Provider with Cisco for over 25 years, and with a strong partnership with Splunk, Axity has the expertise of more than 300 engineers across Latin America. Our track record and highly skilled team enable us to provide tailored solutions that exceed your expectations. We offer our experience and knowledge in Cisco and Splunk to drive your digital transformation.

Discover how our Cisco solutions can
transform your business.
Discover how our Cisco solutions can transform your business.

We cover connectivity with innovative SD-WAN connectivity solutions, wireless networks, and traditional solutions, creating comprehensive environments for our clients and maximizing their business uptime.
Our Collaboration solutions optimise decision-making processes by making it easier for collaborators to communicate in a corporate way, generating meetings through high definition videoconferences, using computers and/or smartphones. Thus they have the possibility of 24/7 connectivity, simplicity, transparency, and timely solutions to achieve a more efficient operation.

Our services are based on keeping information secure. How do we achieve this?: We count on expert consultants for the analysis of the information and environments of our clients, complementing with a SOC, Security Operation Center, with ability to manage, analyze and mitigate attacks. We cover the cycle of market best practices such as analysis, containment, mitigation and resolution covering a wide portfolio of solutions.
We create, design and implement state-of-the-art data center models, whether they are private clouds, public clouds, hybrid clouds or multi-cloud environments where the great advantage for our customers is that these services are elastic and productive, optimizing your operation and minimizing application response times for the development and optimization of your business.
It is the leader in WiFi, routing and cloud-controlled security. Secure and scalable, learn how Cisco Meraki business networks simply work.
AppDynamics will give you a unique vision of the future of application performance management and AIOps. With AppDynamics you can ensure the operational continuity of your business through an end-to-end monitoring platform and Artificial Intelligence algorithms that allow you to proactively identify incidents in the performance of your applications.

Axity ha sido Partner del año
para Cisco en los siguientes
países y categorías
Axity ha sido Partner del año para Cisco en los siguientes países y categorías
- Marketing Partner of the Year (MCR-LATAM)
- Customer Experience Partner of the Year (MEXICO-LATAM)
- Enterprise Partner of the Year (MEXICO)
- Security Partner of the Year (MEXICO)
- Managed Services Partner of the Year (COLOMBIA)
- Enterprise Networking Partner of the year
- Latin America Partner of the Year (AMERICAS)
- Collaboration Partner of the Year (AMERICAS)
- Cisco Capital Partner of the Year (AMERICAS)
- Enterprise Partner of the Year (LATAM)
- Enterprise Partner of the Year (LATAM)
- Security Partner of the year (MEXICO)
- Enterprise Partner of the Year (MEXICO)
- Security Partner of the Year (LATAM)
- Social Impact Partner of the Year (LATAM)
- LatamSocial Impact Partner of the Year (AMERICAS)
- Transformation/Innovation Partner of the Year (AMERICAS)
- Service Provider Architecture (MEXICO)
- Enterprise, Customer Success y Architectural Excellence (LATAM)
- #1 Partner of the year, Public Sector, Service Best Performance y Product Performance (AMERICAS)