ADL For Business Outcomes
The pandemic has dramatically increased the speed at which digital is fundamentally changing business. Companies with better technological capabilities, talent, leadership and resources are achieving better economic results.

For Business
The pandemic has brought about the speed at which digital is changing above business. Companies with better technological capabilities, talent, leadership and resources are doing better financially.

ADL For Business Outcomes
This acceleration is also happening at the level of the core business processes: what was considered the highest speed of change a couple of years ago, is now lower than the average speed of transformation of the industries
Looking ahead to 2023, according to Mckenzie studies most companies will continue their effort to reinvent new digital businesses to stay economically viable.
With this in mind, we have evolved our service offering
with 4 basic principles:
With this in mind, we have evolved our service offering with 4 basic principles:
We seek to contribute to the transformation of our customers, through technology.
In addition to solving an IT or business need, our services must contribute to the agility of our customers.
By converging different technologies, we
can create or propose innovative or
disruptive business models.
We identified ways to reduce the complexity of IT architectures.
Our Axity
Digital Lab (ADL)
With the aim of transforming technologies into value for our customers, we have formed the Axity Digital Lab (ADL) based on methodologies and standards that allow us to have an end-to-end vision, from discovery to design, to the operation and scaling of solutions to business challenges and their consequent continuous improvement.
How does it work?
Our ADL is based on a model of Co-Innovation and industrialization of digital products and/or services that allow the integration of IT elements such as HW, SW, IoT, Cloud, etc., to solve business needs and generate value for our customers.

The value case
according to ADL...
…It allows to generate benefits and tangible impact on the customer’s business, and for our part, allows a benefit generated by industrialization (packaging) and marketing of the resulting product.
Leverages efficiency growth, excellence or sustainability related to customer defined strategy.
It is based on a Co-innovation model that proposes the mechanism of co-investment and the management of the intellectual property of the product, The traditional use case uses a traditional investment model of the project or service type Exploits digital convergence as a driver of transformation.
By converging the different Technologies, it is possible to create or propose innovative or disruptive business models.
In all scenarios of entry to customers, proposes a recurring service of the XaaS type (All as a service).
Benefits of
ADL For Business Outcomes

Reduction of
IT complexity
We minimize the technological complexity, by the client, for the development of a digital initiative.

Joint preparation of the Business Case to estimate measurable benefits of the Value Case.

Customer’s IT
It’s not necessary to invest in the development of technological capabilities or technical equipment, to carry out the Value Case.

Catalyze digital convergence as a driver of transformation. By converging the different Technologies, it is possible to create or propose innovative or disruptive business models.

Low investment, to discover innovation Value Cases that can improve sales, reduce costs, generate efficiency, improve customer engagement, etc.