Axity Day 2021
The journey of a smart company.

Axity Day 2021
The journey of a smart company.
Why Axity Day was born
The rise of new technologies has posed a paradigm shift in the way our businesses perform, especially this past year where we witnessed an unprecedented digital transformation, marked by a collaborative spirit that will trigger profound changes in future technological development.
That is why we have created Axity Day 2021, a space to know from first source and in the voice of the most important companies in Latin America: the journey of an intelligent company.

Enjoy Axity Day 2021,
the journey of a smart company!
The journey to the cloud
A smart decision?
Discover the scalable power of the cloud, its challenges and how to make your operation cost efficient.
Panelist: Gustavo Sánchez – aCloud & Microsoft Alliance Lead (MX).
Guests: Pablo Ocampo from Bancolombia (CO), Iber López from Cementos Polpaico (CL), Carlos Herrera from Universidad de los Andes (CO).
Data Driven Companies, the model
of the future
The more information, the less risk in decision making. Learn how to turn your data into information that will allow you to have a more competitive business.
Panelist: Bernardo Córdova – Specialist (MX).
Guests: Luz María Murguía from Cisco (MX), Andrea Atala from Toks (MX), Alejandro Romo from Omicronlab (MX), Hugo Guevara from IDC (MX) and Rodrigo Abt from Axity (CL).
Today, technology is the business. Do you have it under control?
Discover how to achieve high availability, adequate performance and zero-failure performance in your technology systems, through automation and different innovative methodologies that generate more value to your business.
Panelist: Antonio Guerrero – Chief Transformation Officer (MX / Regional).
Guests: Hugo Guevara from IDC (MX), Javier Mariño from CAFAM (CO), Fernando Faella from Derco (CL) and Rafael Pimentel from MVS (MX).
Agility + Simplicity + Convergence = Transformation
Learn how agility and collaborative work can drive transformation in your business.
Panelist: Sergio Hume – Senior Innovation Architect (CL).
Guests: Cristian Mezzano from Grupo SAESA (CL), Danica Garrido from Sodimac (CL) and José Galvis from Grupo Energía de Bogotá (CO).
Are enterprise networks ready for the new normal?
Learn everything you need to know to survive total connectivity, how to increase the capacity of your networks in times of contingency with flexible, simple and lower cost networks.
Panelist: Cerveliano López – Platform Architect (CO).
Guests: John Motta from Cisco (CO), Luis Puerto from Universidad Externado (CO) and Marco Antonio Siller from BBVA (MX).